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Spring 1999

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Instructions for Assignments and Technical Problems

* Scanning Abstract Format
* Format for Issue Analysis Paper
* Accessing Your Folder on the Horizon Server, EDSP287
* How to Send Attachments Via E-Mail (Using Pine)
* How to Receive Attachments Via E-Mail (Using Pine)
* Using CBT Courseware to Enhance Productivity Skills


Scanning Abstract Format

Title of Essay/Abstract

Your Name
Your Position (e.g., Graduate Student in Educational Leadership Program)
Institution (i.e., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Your e-mail address



Bibliographical Citation (APA style)

Format for Issue Analysis Paper

Title of Paper

Authors (with e-mail address under each name)
Graduate Students in the Educational Leadership Program
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • What is the issue?
  • What is the background/context of the issue?
  • What are the forces driving the issue?
  • Where is the issue going? What are its prospects?
  • What are the implications of the issue for public education in the U.S.?
  • What should educational leaders do now to prepare for the issue?


Accessing Your Folder on the Horizon Server, EDSP287

From the Mercer-Reynolds Lab, log off of the computer by going to the START menu and selecting 'Log Off...'. When the logon window appears, type in edsp292 for the user ID and 292 for the password. DO NOT CHANGE THE DOMAIN NAME; IT SHOULD STAY UNC_SOE. After you have done this, click OK and the system will log back into Windows.
On your desktop will be the icon 'EDSP287'. You should double-click on it to get to the edsp287 folder on the HORIZON server.

IMPORTANT: When you are finished working in the lab, please restart the computer (START -> Shut Down -> Restart). This will log off the machine so the next user does not have access to the edsp directories.

If you are using a Mac, you can access HORIZON by opening the 'Chooser' and looking for the computer HORIZON under the campus-wide network. When you double-click on HORIZON, you will be asked to type your username and password. Do so as instructed in class.

Accessing your folder from the Web

You can access your Web page by using the following URL: /edsp287/1999/name where name is your name on your folder. For Web access, create an index.html file (use Claris HomePage or MS FrontPage in the labs). This is the main file in your directory so that when people access your folder /edsp287/1999/name, they see your Web page.

Accessing your folder from home

FTP Access: You can also use FTP (file transfer protocol) to access from anywhere on the Internet to upload and download the files in your directory. If you have never used FTP before, you may want to review the ATN handout on FTP via Windows or Mac. In addition, you can download WS-FTP for Windows or Fetch for Mac to use in FTPing from home.

If you are using WS-FTP for Windows, access by using this setup when you open the program:

  • profile name: horizon
  • host name/address:
  • host type: Microsoft NT
  • user ID: [given in class]
  • password: [given in class]

Once you've logged in, if you’re using a Windows or Mac program, you should see all your individual folders listed; this will be the same directory listing for edsp287 that you got when you were in the lab. Just go to your individual directory and manipulate the files as you see fit.

If you have the FTP program, you won’t have to use the text-based FTP program.

(NOTE: If you’re using the bare text-based FTP, you can move around using commands similar to those in DOS: dir will give you directory listings, cd <name> will move you into the directory labeled "<name>". Once you’re ready to upload files, you use the command put <filename>, where <filename> is the file you wish to put on your web site (you'll need to use quotation procedure for downloading your files is identical except that the command is get <filename>.) If you are using this basic FTP interface, you should type bin before you transfer any files; otherwise some of your non-text files might become corrupted. (All MS Office files or graphics you transfer are non-text.)

General word of caution: You're all accessing the site using the same username/password, which means you can delete or overwrite other people's information very easily. Be careful! And remember the cardinal rule for any computer use: back up your files on both floppy and hard disks.


How to Send Attachments Via E-Mail (Using Pine)

  1. Place the file you want send in your home directory (in your e-mail system). To do this, use a file transfer protocol (e.g., for a Mac, Fetch) to transfer the file from your hard drive to your email directory.
  2. For attachments, when in Pine, select Compose Message (hit C). Use the down arrow key to put the cursor on the "Attachment" line. The command list at the bottom of the page will change. Note that ^J (made by striking the "control" key and the "J" key simultaneously) in this mode is used to insert the attachment so that when you type ^J in the attachment line, you will be asked for the file to attach. If you know the name and the path, just type it in. If not, hit ^T to see the files you have available in your directory. Arrow down until the file you want to send is selected; hit "return." You will be asked for a comment to insert in the attachment line explaining the nature of the attachment. Move the cursor to the message text field and write the cover message. You are now ready to send the message (^x)


How to Receive Attachments Via E-Mail (Using Pine)

  1. Page down to the attachment. Save save it to your home directory using the "S" key.
  2. Use a FTP program to get the file from your home directory to your hard drive.

Using CBT Courseware to Enhance Productivity Skills

We have various CBT courseware modules that you can use to get up to speed on such productivity tools as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, NetMeeting, and FrontPage. You can choose to download the courseware to your computer or use the "liveplay" feature interactively. I recommend using the "liveplay" feature only if you are in the lab (it is very slow if you try to use it from a modem); know that the download time to your computer is substantial. To exercise either feature you will be required to enter your Isis address as the logon and your Isis password as the password. (Please see the CBT Instructions page for additional information on using the courseware; note the quicklink to Microsoft Office 97.)

Another option is to use the courseware installed on the PCs in the Mercer-Reynolds Lab. This is the only option for Mac users; CBT Systems' courseware is not available yet for Macs. In addition to scheduled class times, you will have access to these PCs during regular lab hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 9:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.). Note that sometimes the labs are closed for class use. Check the School of Education's weekly schedules to see if and when the labs are unavailable.

Last updated: 08 January 1999